Thursday 2 December 2010

Guy Billout, the Ironic Illustrator

Guy Billout (b. 1941) is a French illustrator whose work has been featured regularly for years in The Atlantic Monthly. His style is characterized by delicate and economical line work, heavy shadows, beautiful gradients and almost always, irony. The following examples of his work have all appeared in The Atlantic Monthly. More great illustrations can be seen at Guy Billout's Web gallery, here.

"Edge," 1984
"Phobia," 1984
"Rescue," February, 1985
"Excavation," 1985
"The Childhood of Hercules," May, 2002
"Meeting," March, 2005
"Boat Ride," May, 2005
"Step," October, 2005
"American Sunrise," November, 2007
"Lights," November, 2008

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