Tuesday 24 May 2011

New York City Building Details

While I was in New York, I really didn't travel a very wide path. Nonetheless, wherever I looked, I saw wonderful architectural details. And the more one looks at the city's carved portals, window frames and friezes, the more one realizes that New York of the 1800s and early 1900s must have had armies of stone carvers.

These two keystone cartouches (my own label for them)
were next door to each other.

These stones, which are indented like rows of dominoes,
are doubtlessly cast, but they complement lovely carved pieces.

Where will you find such detail today?

This detail is probably cast,
but I saw many companions to it that were carved.

This detail, from the same neighborhood,
brought the Treasury at Petra to mind.

Perhaps these figures were inspired by their cousins
at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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