Wednesday 1 June 2011

Lunch in Safety Harbor, Florida

Last week I had lunch with dear friends in Safety Harbor, Florida. Safety Harbor is a small town with quaint buildings; it's sleepy and charming. It's also quite an artists' community.

We had lunch at the Green Springs restaurant. Good food, a guitarist to serenade us, and the dining room had a remarkable mural of a lush jungle, by artist Kumpa Tawornprom.

After lunch, my friends were eager to show me "the tree." Below is the Baranoff Tree, reportedly the oldest Live Oak Tree in Pinellas County. It's estimated to be between 300 and 500 years old. The sign says that the tree, which takes up a whole block, is registered with the Live Oak Society of the Louisiana Garden Club Federation.

There was one more treat after lunch — a visit to the home of one of the local artists. The header of this posting shows part of the house. Here's more:

The house across the street, below, was not to be outdone. Those white tiles around the windows are actually pieces of mirror, and the neighbor's house glistens.

Limbs bordering the neighbor's yard. There was a third house in the immediate vicinity. It was painted bright purple, but looked very conservative next to the other two!

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