Saturday 19 May 2012

A Little Surprise

I have a number of collections. In fact, when friends visit, I sometimes feel like a docent in my own house. I've never consciously collected wooden boxes, but as I look around my house, I realize that I've certainly accumulated a lot of them.

There's a mellowness to antique wooden boxes, especially when one sees all those different honeyed tones side by side.

I bought one of my favorite boxes on impulse at an antique show. I suppose it was meant to hold some article of clothing, perhaps handkerchiefs or gloves. Wouldn't you say that it's a lovely work of inlaying?

But upon closer inspection . . .

 . . . it turns out that this isn't inlaid at all, but a box of one wood, carefully painted with different varnishes! I'd love to know if there's a name for this artistry. Have you seen this type of varnish painting before, and do you know what it's called?

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