Saturday 1 September 2012

A Load Off My Mind

Two weeks ago, as Hurricane Isaac loomed large in the Caribbean, I decided to remove a limb from a Southern Live Oak tree that has hung over my house for decades.

Here I've made a panoramic view from three photographs of my roof. As you can see, the limb extended the length of the house. What the panorama doesn't show is that at the end of the limb, branches extended upward, putting extra stress on the whole limb.

Here you can see all the growth at the very end of the limb, and how high it extended.

What's truly amazing is that when this photograph of my house was taken in 1950, the Southern Live Oak was nowhere in sight!

Notice all the Spanish Moss! It was exciting to watch the trimming process, and a relief to know that the weight of the limb (estimated at one ton) won't come down upon me in the next storm.


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