Tuesday 4 December 2012

A Bunch of Squirrels Do My Decorating

I have several pine trees in my yard and am forever picking up pine cones. When my blogging friend Loi of Tone on Tone posted photos of bleached pine cones — along with his posting on mercury glass — I thought I'd share a different sort of pine cone decoration.
You see, I have about eight squirrels living in my yard, and they stay busy in the fall chewing the pine cones down to the core. I think these husks are wonderfully sculptural, and as I've picked up many dozen of them, I've started grading them, and saving the ones most neatly trimmed. (It's my collecting instinct kicking in once again.)

I love the overall texture that my squirrely decorators have worked so diligently to create, and so I've grouped the pine husks in a bowl, almost like potpourri.

I'm thinking it could use another natural element, or two. What would you add?

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