Saturday 31 May 2014

Pompeii No.14: The Remaining Garlands

Last week, I painted the central garland in the Pompeii Room. This week, I'm finishing the remaining three.

 In order to keep things simple, I'll just call them Garlands A, B and C.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin   |   Fall 2009
I'm continuing to draw inspiration from Andrea Mantegna's San Zeno altarpiece, and for Garland A, I'm combining the garlands from the areas above that are boxed in white.

click to enlarge   |   I Maestri del Colore: Mantegna   |   Alberto Martini
Here's what they look like enlarged. So often garlands are comprised of stylized flowers, so it's such a pleasure to see how Mantegna incorporated cucumbers, beans, raspberries, and everything else that was at hand.

click to enlarge
And here is Garland A completed. I get a kick out of those elements that appear to be from the squash family — you won't see that in many garlands!

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin   |   Fall 2009
For Garland B, I'm using the garlands from Mantegna's San Zeno altarpiece that are boxed in white above.

click to enlarge   |   I Maestri del Colore: Mantegna   |   Alberto Martini
They look like this enlarged.

click to enlarge
This is Garland B completed. I've added some extra vegetables at the lower right so that the weight of the garland is evenly balanced.

Now, if you've been keeping track, you know that I've run out of garlands to borrow from Andrea Mantegna! So it's time to invent my own Garland C, below.

click to enlarge

Of course you know that the Pompeians never knew corn, or as others call it, maize. But as I am my own client, I'm free to take some artistic license, and I've surely done so here!

The Pompeii Room as it appears today. In the photo above, I haven't added the garland's hooks and ribbon ties, and yet the garland defies the Law of Gravity!

click to enlarge
Next week I'll be on a little expedition to gather further inspiration and reference for the Pompeii Room (but sadly, I won't be traveling to Pompeii). I hope you'll come along with me on the trip!

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