Friday 19 August 2011

Celebrating One Year

Dear Blogging Friends,

Today marks my first year of blogging and of All Things Ruffnerian. A little more than a year ago, I delved for the first time into the world of blogging. I was really taken by the format, which allows one to share ideas and information in a way that can be intelligent, beautiful and concise. And because I am a natural sharer of information and somewhat of a storyteller, I thought that I could contribute something, too.

Blogging is a great mode for self-expression, and every posting is like an artist's performance or a baker's fresh batch of cookies. Maybe a better analogy would be that a posting is like one's own contribution to a really fun potluck dinner.

I enjoy looking at Google's blog stats, and which posts generate the most interest. (If you haven't noticed, I make an effort to evenly spread the postings between art and design history, places and/or things architectural, a variety of antique collections, my own work, and the odd miscellany.)

What I've especially come to appreciate is that blogging is really about networking and community. Over the past year, it's given me much pleasure to connect with kindred spirits, talented and inspiring artists, lovers of the finer things in life, thoughtful commenters and commentators, and so many who have been helpful and supportive, and whom I consider to be friends.

So I hope you'll pick up a fork and enjoy a piece of the virtual cake I've prepared just for you!


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