Saturday 12 January 2013

Thanks So Much!

I wish to extend a special thanks to Yvette of In So Many Words..., who gifted me with the 2012 Blogger of the Year Award, which in turn originated from The Thought Palette. While I am not able to comply with all of the requirements of the award (because I enjoy all of my blogging friends too much to single out any favorites), I'll  reveal seven personal things about myself, as requested:

  • I started collecting antiques at the age of eight, and my first purchase was a set of glass slides from a magic lantern show.
  • I took calligraphy classes from Arnold Bank, who was Art Director of Time magazine from 1941-1947.
  • I collect books on Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello.
  • I keep extensive log books and have recorded each of my days for decades.
  • Family pets once included an orphaned baby groundhog.
  • I give occasional workshops on creating mandalas.
  • I work two or three crossword puzzles every day.

Thanks again, Yvette, for your lovely gesture.

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