Thursday 13 June 2013

One Week of Flowering Trees

Florida seems to have only two seasons — summer and winter — but this past week, everywhere I looked I saw flowering trees, and it really felt like spring. So I decided to record some of our trees for you.

Visitors to Florida always exclaim over — and want to know the name of — this beautiful lavender tree. It's a Jacaranda tree.

An equally dramatic tree is the Royal Poinciana, also known as Flamboyant or Delonix Regia. As you might be able to discern in the photo below, its leaves are fern-like.

This Magnolia tree is just across the street from me. The Magnolia is an ancient plant and its history is fascinating — read a little more about it here.

The Frangipani tree, also known as Plumeria, comes in several species with varying flowers.

About 15 years ago, St. Petersburg's mayor made civic landscaping one of his priorities, and he planted hundreds of Crepe Myrtle trees. Now the city is benefiting from his vision.

I'll end with another tree that always gets visitors' attention, the Tabebuia tree.

All the photographs in this posting were taken around St. Petersburg in the span of one week!

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