Saturday 1 June 2013

The Architect's Revenge

This is St. Mary's Catholic Church, located in St. Petersburg, Florida, and designed by the architect Henry S. Taylor in the 1920s. There is a legend in this town that Mr. Taylor was angered that he never received full payment for his Romanesque Revival design. The story goes that shortly thereafter, he made a very low bid to ensure that he would be the one to design a waterfront restroom, Comfort Station One:

Comfort Station One has thereafter been popularly known as "Little St. Mary's." There are those who say that this story is an urban legend — and it might be — but I'll let you look at the architectural details and decide for yourself.

Regardless, it's wise
to pay for services received.

As a post script I am including a link to another site that might or might not refute this legend. The architect's wife said that he was paid in full, but that "it took some time." 


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