Friday 1 July 2011

Tony Meeuwissen, Magical Illustrator

Tony Meeuwissen (b. 1938) is one of England's foremost illustrators. Though he received no formal art training, he served a five-year apprenticeship at an art studio, then worked as an art director for several London advertising agencies. In 1968, Meeuwissen began working as a freelance illustrator. His commissions have included work from the Sunday Times, Penguin Books and record companies.

Meeuwissen's distinctive designs are always an elegant balance of fine composition and the highest degree of painting craftsmanship. His work is also imbued with much humor and charm.

Perhaps you've seen designs by Tony Meeuwissen on packaging for Crabtree & Evelyn, and Winsor & Newton. He also designed his own book, Remarkable Animals, 1000 Amazing Amalgamations.

Meeuwissen has received the Francobollo d'Oro for the best world stamp design. Here are several of his designs (but I don't know if one of these won the award!).

I was first introduced to Tony Meeuwissen when I was gifted with his deck of cards (and accompanying book from Running Press Book Publishers), entitled The Key to the Kingdom. The deck is the premier example of transformation cards, more about which can be learned here. I'm going to include eight of my favorites — the first card is the reverse design for all the others.

Tony Meeuwissen has received numerous honors, including being the only illustrator to win the Gold D&AD (Design and Development) award, which he won twice. His work has also been purchased by the Victoria and Albert Museum. Now 73 years old, Tony Meeuwissen continues to illustrate.

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